Gina CMS

Gina Content Management System


  • Stardate 9716.03

    Week tres, the presence, the structures are in place.


  • How Googlebot sees this page

    My push for mobile-friendliness led me down a road, not because I felt like it, but because I had to.


  • Stardate 979.01

    Week dos farther down the road.


  • Zem Themes

    Alex Shiels, aka Zem, had a prototype TXP Themes implementation back in April of 2007.


  • GitHub is ablaze

    “A successful company always needs to improve and adjust to changed market environments.”


  • Change the Look

    My desire to finish up We Love TXP is driven mostly by curiosity.


  • Stardate 971.01

    Week one down the forking road.