Gina CMS

Gina Content Management System

Free the Admin

Spent the week working on the house, evenings staring at PHP code.

Fork is a four letter word

For some reason, any mention of a fork in the TXP universe elicits the angry mob mentality. Like the current team has their back or something to that effect. Honestly the only person going gang busters on GitHub is Mr. Ruud, an unofficial team member. Other than the Master branch, every other branch has appeared to stall, TXP 4.6 is fading into 2016.

It’s the tags stupid

The strength of TXP lies in it’s Template Tags and core rendering speed. Another unofficial team member, makss, has been shaving off milliseconds of late. Yet these txp:tags go virtually unnoticed in a WordPress dominated web. What does WP have that TXP doesn’t – a nicer looking admin. What else does WP have that TXP doesn’t – PHP in templates.

The makeover

Let’s talk a hypothetical world where the TXP core devs actually want to further their project’s reach. The core is rendering at great speeds, it’s the admin that needs a makeover. But making changes to the admin requires harming core code, and we’re back to the four letter word. But why, just make your changes and issue a pull request on GitHub, not so fast.

My admin is not like yours

My ideas for a TXP admin, is way different than the official one that’s been staring us in the face for the last 10 years. My admin would be based on Bootstrap, the official one is leaning towards HTML5 Boilerplate at present. My admin would be geared towards the end-user, the official one leans towards the web developers in the audience – let me get you a slice of rah_flat.

Tailor made

Wouldn’t it be great to tailor the admin to your intended audience? Turn off features that your client would not need or get confused about. A drop dead simple admin for some, all the bells and whistles for the power users. Yeah, yeah, we got plugins, but they have a tendency to go missing or need updates on new releases. There’s quite a lot of TXP sites that are running old code because of reliance on plugins.

Free the Admin

Look no further than what Ubuntu has done with the Debian core code. The Debian folk continue to work in a low-key setting, while Ubuntu flashes the audience with their version of a polished desktop.

Want to remain in the shadows, while continuing to shave milliseconds off rendering speed and enhancing template tags, then free the admin from core.

I’ve built walls, a fortress deep and mighty, that none may penetrate.
