Gina CMS

Gina Content Management System

Stardate 10716.55

Week 55, where you been?


When we last left off, Bert was eating and sleeping very little. Stuck in a room for months, forgetting to be human. Coaxed out of hiding by the holiday egg-nog, he emerged to find his house was under contract.

Start winding down, backup, pack, go mobile.


Months of back and forth, fix this and that, move the good stuff to storage, sell the rest, was exhausting. By the time I got to Miami, all I wanted to do was soak in water and drink plenty of liquids.

Kept an eye on my sites using a mini-notebook, the workstation was boxed up in Charlotte taking a break of it’s own.


Get your motor running, head out on the highway, go get my stuff.

The new house in Miami calls for a different approach, no more being tethered to a desk. So I got myself a laptop, she’s almost ready to take over coding duties, the desktop is pissed.


On January 5, 2006, I made my first live post using Textpattern. Ten years later, it’s still my CMS, my buddy, my code. Open Source, hell of a concept.

During your life, never stop dreaming. No one can take away your dreams.
