Gina Content Management System
A chance to share old memories.
Hung out in Usenet all day long, learning this thing called the web. A blinking USR Sportster scraping alt.binaries, the imgur/r/nsfw of the time.
Wore a Red Hat, played with the web’s plumbing, ran my own Apache server.
Tried out all the new personal publishing tools, like Blogger. Liked what I saw, just didn’t want to get stuck behind a walled garden, AOL had soured us.
PHP has matured from it’s origins in 1995, LAMP is officially taking off.
Dean Allen gives us a glimpse at the web publishing tool he is working on.
A Compaq Deskpro 6200, equipped with a Pentium Pro 200MHz, 128MB ram, and a 4.3GB SCSI drive, is serving content from the cable closet.
Settled on Textpattern after a 5 year evaluation of dynamic publishing apps.
The amassed tar.gz collection of PHP apps forms the basis for PHPCrossRef.
Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Open Source, GPL, Fork me on GitHub.
Screw the walled garden, like me, follow me, right here.
But it’s all right now, I learned my lesson well
You see, ya can’t please everyone, so ya got to please yourself