Gina CMS

Gina Content Management System

Stardate 9911.46

Week 11, 57 channels.

Textpattern Meetup

We had to call off our NC meetup of Textpattern users. Hurricane Joaquin’s outer bands dumped so much rain on the Carolinas, that I was eyeing the fallen branches to use as a raft if need be. Better weather was had in Bristol, England, where the Textpattern core devs meeting took place. There’s a roadmap coming, and from what I’ve observed, a new enthusiasm has emerged.

57 Domains and something on

The insatiable appetite of hcgtv for Net real estate has me juggling 21 live Textpattern sites. I told him that anymore and we should look into a multi-site solution courtesy of Sam Weiss.

The Cover theme is becoming my standard domain launch look. This gives me a clean Textpattern install, ready to add anything I want behind the 1920×1200 imaged front page. Grandpa Razzi is an example, a gallery is going on in the background. In the past I would of used a Gallery script, but now armed with a Bootstrap theme, I can do some magic with just Textpattern and image upload.

We settled in for the fortnight

Two weeks in my new office, mucho productive is how I can describe it. A knock on the door replaces a tap on the back, I kind of like it mucho better. I’ve lost track of Eastern Standard Time, night replaces day with the occasional nap to recharge. Got a comfy leather chair for Netflix viewing, now I’m looking for a roll out bed of sorts for naps. My wife makes the bed every morning, and it takes longer to remove the decorative pillows than it would be to roll out something on the carpeted office floor.

In the blessed name of Elvis

Thank you, thank you very much for free and open software.

The gratitude I have for those that code for others, can only be repaid by what I may contribute back to the community. That’s how it all works, we all share, so we all have, no possessions.

Imagine all the people, sharing all the world.
