Gina CMS

Gina Content Management System

TXP Logo

We got a new logo!

TXP Logo

Thanks to Philipp Schilling Grafik Design for the new and improved TXP logo.

TXP Planet

Along with the new logo, Philipp steered me towards PT Sans and PT Serif.

When I applied the free Google fonts at TXP Planet, it felt like I was official.

TXP Plugins

Robert let loose a Google doc listing the 770 plugins at the Resources site.

That’s all I needed to launch TXP Plugins, give a domain something to do.

TXP Discuss

Flarum, a spinoff of the FluxBB forum, caught my fancy, so TXP Discuss is born.

Soon all discussions related to articles I post here, will happen over there.

TXP Family

Official logo and fonts brings the TXP Family into the Textpattern Network.

TXP Themes, TXP Tags, TXP Planet and We Love TXP have been officialized.

TXP Soup

“I don’t want to belong to any club that would have me as a member.”
