Gina CMS

Gina Content Management System

TXP Themes has moved

TXP Themes has a new home on the web.

New TLDs for the Themes

After much deliberation, the TXP staff decided to register a new set of domains for the Themes., and were born this morning.

Now that the Themes are out of the way, we can seriously start talking about what will make TXP CMS a better alternative for those people stuck in The Loop.

Twenty Fifteen

One of the reasons the TXP staff decided on a new set of domains is that work has begun to convert the WordPress Twenty Fifteen theme to a TXP Theme. In addition to the conversion, a step by step, play by play, file by file analysis will accompany the TXP Theme.

This is going to get ugly, it’s not looking good for the freshly pressed crowd.

TXP Themes

We currently have 12 Bootstrap themes, with more stuck in the pipeline, just have to find the time to put them up. Rather than just fill up the Themes site with whatever I may come across, I’m looking to add Themes that are different from what we already have.

Think of structures, why add another theme if there’s a similar structure in stock. I’ve seen many sites where one structure has yielded them 8 similar looking themes, it looks like their site has many themes to choose from, when actually it’s 1 theme tweaked 7 more times.

Oh yeah, the TXP Blog moved back over here, excuse our dust.
