Gina CMS

Gina Content Management System

We Love TXP

My thanks to Sam Brown for starting We Love TXP back in 2007.

Ladies and Gents, We Love TXP has been assimilated into the mobile-friendly collective. Sam had standardized on 300×100 pixel article images, so the 3 Col Portfolio Theme was perfect for it.

Pagination is being handled by non other than etc_pagination, sweet plugin, on the list of must haves in the arsenal. Feels right at home with the 1, 2 and 3 column Themes featured here.

There’s a link in the footer to the submit form, when I get a chance I’ll style up zem_contact_reborn with some Bootstrap goodiness, just don’t have the time right now.

There’s still the matter of cleaning up the listings, some domains have gone off the web, some have switched over to another CMS. Maybe I can entice them to come back with a box of chocolates, or a six pack of Bootstrap beer?

Next up is the Template Tags website, I have something really nice planned for it. When I’m done, it will be the gosh darned nicest template tag reference site on the Net.

Resistance is Futile …
