Gina CMS

Gina Content Management System

What the Fork?

Code is a four letter word also.

Bootstrapping the Admin

With twelve Bootstrap Themes under my belt, I feel qualified to apply that knowledge to the Textpattern backend administration screens. Watching sections come alive with mobile-friendly Pages and Styles was satisfying, but there’s more to do.


Been a Textpattern user for 10 years, a programmer for 30+, and I use the admin for all my presentation maintenance tasks. For 10 years I’ve been staring at a tag builder I’ve never used, causing the text-areas for hacking on the presentation, smaller. I have an axe to grind, that first Ctrl-X is going to feel good.

The tag builder isn’t the only thing that’s going to hit the cutting room floor, I want to look at the admin from a fresh perspective. There’s so many ways to go about it, and the only means to determine the right direction is to head into each and every one of them.

What about the plugins?

The thought of breaking admin side plugins comes to mind, and the only way to head off criticism is to take into account the functionality of the most used plugins into the new design, where appropriate.

Plugins don’t do it all, so in walks Bootstrap to assist me in displaying our uploaded images in a thumbnail grid without the need to create thumbnails. Each section of the admin can be viewed in a multitude of ways with just a few lines of code, the framework will be utilized.

Getting there

I’m locking myself in a room with a small fridge and a mini bar, food deliveries have been scheduled.

Git will be used locally to track changes. When I figure out the direction, the look I want to achieve, and I have code changes that look good in the light of day, I’ll commit them to GitHub.

Chauncey Gardiner

“Life is a state of mind.”
