Gina Content Management System
This section was hidden away, since I decided to approach distributing Themes quite differently, via footer links to source files. Makes it so much easier to get the freshest copies of a Theme, cause you’re grabbing it as it evolves.
Most TXP Themes have but 1 Page and 1 Style, just click on the footer links and copy/paste it into your backend. Sure beats downloading a .zip file, then uncompressing it somewhere to your local machine, then what?
Once you’ve copied the Theme into your backend, and assigned it a section, it’s not going to look like this Business Frontpage, it will look more like this Business Frontpage starter template page.
An example template makes it’s way to a client, Carousel example at Bootstrap, Carousel on TXP Themes, Carousel on UnderPressure.VIP
Textpattern tags are used to give each Theme it’s database access to settings, like Site name and Site slogan. When a Theme has forms, like the Blog Theme, it’s because the Form is associated with the output of a tag, like txp:article.
This article will evolve over time, serving as the basis for a Themes HOW-TO.
It’s poetry in motion
She turned her tender eyes to me
As deep as any ocean
As sweet as any harmony